How did music video's come to be?
According to island records "At 12:01am on August 1, 1981, history was made when MTV, the first 24-hour video music channel, launched onto our television sets and literally changed our lives with the birth of the music video. The first video ever played on the network was quite ironic — “Video Killed The Radio Star” by The Buggles."(Guerrasio, 2015) The purpose of music video's is to promote or increase different kinds of aims for different types of people. For example several purposes would be a promotion of a particular song, a promotion of the artist's album, promotion of a particular artist, promotion of and synergy with another media product, increase income for the record company and increasing the range of media an artist is active in. These six purposes are very important in the world of releasing music and in this media industry.
There is a lot of work that goes in to releasing a single. Firstly you should focus on releasing the video single with this you should try and release your song on a music space like youtube and even as an album art track then later on you could follow it up with an official music video; after that you could even release lyric video's and perform live. Below the music video you should always place information to buy the download so that your fans will know where to get it. Secondly you can release a radio single, this is good for you because you will get the attention of new ears and old fans as well which just might tempt them to spread a good word about you and your music. You can then release your single on itunes which will create much more exposure for you. Over a period of time of releasing singles you can now be building an album with all the singles that you have been creating. So there is a lot that goes in to it but if you want to become a music sensation such as beyoncé or Rihanna there is work that has to be put in.
There are several reasons for the purposes of music videos
1) Promotion of a particular song- BEYONCÉ RUN THE WORLD ( GIRLS)
This song is a very good example of promotion of a particular song. In this music video Beyonce is promoting women's empowerment and that women are very important in the world that we live in today. The song run the world was released on April 21st 2011 and was recorded in MSR studios in New York City. The label for this song is Columbia. There are several aspects in this music video that is promoting the actual meaning and message in this video. Firstly this video is based on a controversial topic which is sexuality ( specifically about women). When the video gets to 31-35 seconds beyonce with several women behind her are show with a lion lying right next to her. The lion symbolises power and that the women in the frame shot with the animal are as strong as the lion.
There are different stances that the women are taking in the shot that makes them look very strong; for example one girl at the side has her hand up in a fist which usually means strength.
When she sings this verse she shows it in different ways to show the message. For example when she sings the five lines of the verse she is around men which is showing that she is referring to men and how these men won't make her invisible. At the end of the verse when she says " hope you still like me, F U Pay me" this was the line that caused most controversy between people, as for some people this line made them feel disrespected as a woman and cheap.
Firstly in the music video Michael is wearing all black which makes him look very different then he usually looks in his other music video . But in bad he actually looks very bad which is useful for the title.
In the actual music video the word bad is mentioned a huge number of times and in there are hidden images within the video saying bad.
''Michael wrote all but 2 of the songs on the album, "Man In the Mirror" a great self message song co-written by Siedah Garrett who co sings on the love song "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" and "Just Good Friends" the duet with Stevie Wonder were the only other tracks not written by Michael.'' The title of the album was a statement to all the new songs that he is going to be releasing. In the music video Michael jackson and the other dancers have a very tight choreographed dance which makes this single have a very different style to it. With all the dance moves, lyrics and hidden images it gives of a new ora to what michael jackson released next. This music video is fast pace meaning that different angle shots are used. When Michael Jackson and the dancers are doing their dance a pan shot is used to follow them. Also an ark shot is used when the video is at 3:25 to 3:29 showing michael jackson by himself; and at this time when the shot is directly above him he sings '' you know i'm bad'' and it looks like he is clarifying that he is bad which is really promoting his single and his album.
There are different stances that the women are taking in the shot that makes them look very strong; for example one girl at the side has her hand up in a fist which usually means strength.
When Beyonce first starts singing she opens with " girls we run this motha" after she says that four times she asks the main question which is " who run the world? Girls" In the beginning of the video she asks this main question 14 times and this is her singing her main message in this whole video. She opens with this so that all audience watching, whether they are male or female know that this is the whole point of the video and this is the message that she is trying to get across to people. In the music video she goes on about how women should be shown respect but then also says " This goes out to all my girls
That's in the club rocking the latest
Who will buy it for themselves and get more money later
I think I need a barber
None of these niggas can fade me
I'm so good with this, I remind you, I'm so hood with this
Boy, I'm just playing, come here, baby
Hope you still like me, F U Pay me"
When she sings this verse she shows it in different ways to show the message. For example when she sings the five lines of the verse she is around men which is showing that she is referring to men and how these men won't make her invisible. At the end of the verse when she says " hope you still like me, F U Pay me" this was the line that caused most controversy between people, as for some people this line made them feel disrespected as a woman and cheap.
When the music video is at 2:27- 2:34
There are several shots of Beyonce that show one of the main messages of the video which is strength. During these few shots Beyonce is first seen in front of a car that has exploded and while the fire is coming out from the car Beyoncé is standing tall with one arm in the air holding a fist. She is then on top of a car which is quite high up with both arms in the air, this symbolises that all women are high up in the world. In the music video the women are wearing all sorts of things.
There are several shots of Beyonce that show one of the main messages of the video which is strength. During these few shots Beyonce is first seen in front of a car that has exploded and while the fire is coming out from the car Beyoncé is standing tall with one arm in the air holding a fist. She is then on top of a car which is quite high up with both arms in the air, this symbolises that all women are high up in the world. In the music video the women are wearing all sorts of things.
At 2:37 to 2:50 all the women are wearing quite revealing clothes such as stockings and as they dance in formation the camera shows all the men being quite frightened of them. The clothes that Beyoncé and the other women are wearing show the message that women should be able to dress in a sexual nature but should still be treated with respect.
In the song Beyoncé covers the main points within her lyrics when she says " How we're smart enough to make these millions
Strong enough to bear the children
Then get back to business"
Strong enough to bear the children
Then get back to business"
The lyrics is shining on a main point in her message how women can go through one of the hardest things in life and still carry on after with their life. Also with that line it's what her main line is ( who run the world ) true because without women the world and generations would literally stop. In conclusion the factors that Beyoncé mainly used to promote run the world was her lyrics, her body language and what she and what the other women were wearing.
Promotion of an artists album
2) Promotion of an artists album- MICHAEL JACKSON BAD
Michael Jackson bad is a very good example of promotion of an artists album. Firstly the title of his music video is the same title of his album. His album was released on August 31st 1987 and won a Grammy award for best engineered album. Michael Jackson promotes the title of the music video and his album (bad) in several ways.

''Michael wrote all but 2 of the songs on the album, "Man In the Mirror" a great self message song co-written by Siedah Garrett who co sings on the love song "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" and "Just Good Friends" the duet with Stevie Wonder were the only other tracks not written by Michael.'' The title of the album was a statement to all the new songs that he is going to be releasing. In the music video Michael jackson and the other dancers have a very tight choreographed dance which makes this single have a very different style to it. With all the dance moves, lyrics and hidden images it gives of a new ora to what michael jackson released next. This music video is fast pace meaning that different angle shots are used. When Michael Jackson and the dancers are doing their dance a pan shot is used to follow them. Also an ark shot is used when the video is at 3:25 to 3:29 showing michael jackson by himself; and at this time when the shot is directly above him he sings '' you know i'm bad'' and it looks like he is clarifying that he is bad which is really promoting his single and his album.
Promotion of a particular artist
3) Promotion of a particular artist - Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball
Miley Cyrus- Wrecking Ball was released on august 25th 2013 and was one of the singles in her album bangerz. The label for this song is RCA. Wrecking Ball is a very good example of a promotion of a particular artist for so many reasons. Firstly this music video is showing how much this artist ( Miley Cyrus ) has changed the style of her whole music. In this music video it is clear that she has completely changed her image as well as her message that she wants to get out to people. Before this music video Miley Cyrus ust to have a country style to her and the style of music was usually about different types of things like family or general pop music. However this single along with her whole album bangerz was about a horrible break up with Liam hemsworth. However this break up was a chance for her to sing about her feelings with him and to open up to the public about who she really is. There are several aspects in the music video that highlights that she as an artist has completely changed her style of image and music.
Firstly i want to highlight that in her previous videos she would usually wear a full body of clothing; however in this music video Miley Cyrus has made it clear that full clothing isn't really necessary anymore. For example when the video is at 1:14 to 1:22 she is literally swinging on a wrecking ball naked.
Her whole style of music has changed because she is singing about a breakup which automatically makes the song a little bit negative because she is singing about what has happened in her failed relationship. For example in the beginning of the music video a
close up is used just on her face. Close ups are usually used when someone is trying to tell a story which she is. She is also crying in her music video which shows a new style and image to her because the energy of her music has completely changed from party in the USA to wrecking ball. In the music video i think she is mainly promoting herself and where she is in her life at the moment, however it is clear that this music video shows that her whole style has changed.
Another way that Wrecking ball has showed that Miley Cyrus has changed her image is that she is now acting a lot more sexual. For example when the video is at 1:23 to 1:26 she is licking the sledgehammer multiple times. In previous videos you would have never seen her do anything like this. However this is the video that made the huge statement of her changing her image and music, which did cause quite a bit of controversy.
Firstly i want to highlight that in her previous videos she would usually wear a full body of clothing; however in this music video Miley Cyrus has made it clear that full clothing isn't really necessary anymore. For example when the video is at 1:14 to 1:22 she is literally swinging on a wrecking ball naked.
Her whole style of music has changed because she is singing about a breakup which automatically makes the song a little bit negative because she is singing about what has happened in her failed relationship. For example in the beginning of the music video a
close up is used just on her face. Close ups are usually used when someone is trying to tell a story which she is. She is also crying in her music video which shows a new style and image to her because the energy of her music has completely changed from party in the USA to wrecking ball. In the music video i think she is mainly promoting herself and where she is in her life at the moment, however it is clear that this music video shows that her whole style has changed.
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Usage of a close up to show emotion in her face / also telling a story directly to the camera explaining what is happening to her. |

Promotion of and synergy with another media product
4) Promotion of synergy- FAST AND FURIOUS 6- WE OWN IT MUSIC VIDEO
This music video is a very good example of promotion of and synergy with another product. We own it was released on June 12th 2013 and the label for this song is Def Jam. This song promotes the film fast and furious 6, and it does that in different ways. Firstly in the beginning of the video it shows a clip from the film and it is when brian is going in to his wife who is going to have a baby; which is one of the main things in the film starting a new life. Then before wiz kahlifa and 2 chainz start singing they announce who they are which is important because the fast and furious films are very popular which will create more publicity for the two rappers. Also people who enjoy the films and wants to know the songs in the actual film then they would look it up and find out it was them two. Also this creates new audiences to for the rappers.
In this music video the rappers are gaining promotion as well as the film because in the music video they are showing several scenes from the film which would make people interested to watch the film. So the singers bounce of the film for promotion and vise verser.
In the music video they show one of the major scenes in the whole film which is if Letty will make it when she is flown across the air.
Also the detail that went in to completing the music video would have costed a lot. There are digital effects every time she uses her magic to turn these needy men into sand. Also there are men around her that are blue from head to toe. which would have taken up a lot of time and effort.
In conclusion record company had a good amount of money to spend on this music video which they clearly did, and they made the right advertisements to let the public know what was coming. In the end the outcome for them was very good because the amount of albums sold would have made an increase in income for the record company and of course katy Perry.
This is a very good example of an artist increasing the range of media. Firstly Jaden smith is an artist who wanted to come out of the shadow of his father will smith by actually going into music and acting. Jaden smith is in a music video with Justin Bieber who was a very big person back then and this would have made Jaden even more popular.
Another way Jaden smith is increasing his range in media is that in the actual music video him and Justin are watching clips of karate kid.
This promotes Jaden's movie and makes it known that Jaden is expanding in the things that he can do. He can act in a movie and also be in a song and bring his own thing to it. The song never say never was meant for the movie karate kid and so when Justin Bieber is singing they show parts of the film. The lyrics that Justin sings link so well to what is actually happening in the movie and so with him singing and us as an audience seeing clips of the film it actually is telling us an emotional story. When Justin and Jaden are watching it at one point they show emotion on their face as well.
At this point, they are watching the part where dre is being beaten up then Justin sings the main line "never say never" and this links to exactly what they are watching because as he was getting beaten up he had no hope and through out the film he had to learn to stand up for himself. Also when the video gets to 51 to 54 seconds Justin and Jaden are watching another bit of the film where dre is trying to impress the girl and both of them look at the same time and start nodding, looking like they are enjoying what they are watching. Because Justin Bieber had so many fans back then i think that if they saw him watching something and liking it then they would probably want to do the same thing, meaning that Jaden's film will get even more recognition over time.
Also in the music video Jaden also starts doing some dance moves which shows that he is not just an actor and a rapper but he can also dance as well; again expanding his range of media in just one music video. When Jaden starts rapping he is referring to the main bully in his film but then tells him that he "aint on a JB song with me" when he says this he clarifies that he is working with Justin.
At the end of the music video they show a shot of when dre does a karate move which i think seals the deal for the audience to go and watch the film.
In conclusion i think that this was a very good example to show how an artist can expand such a range of media in one music video. I think it all worked especially the lyrics which linked so well to the clips that were being shown.
My Bibliography :
This music video is a very good example of promotion of and synergy with another product. We own it was released on June 12th 2013 and the label for this song is Def Jam. This song promotes the film fast and furious 6, and it does that in different ways. Firstly in the beginning of the video it shows a clip from the film and it is when brian is going in to his wife who is going to have a baby; which is one of the main things in the film starting a new life. Then before wiz kahlifa and 2 chainz start singing they announce who they are which is important because the fast and furious films are very popular which will create more publicity for the two rappers. Also people who enjoy the films and wants to know the songs in the actual film then they would look it up and find out it was them two. Also this creates new audiences to for the rappers.
In this music video the rappers are gaining promotion as well as the film because in the music video they are showing several scenes from the film which would make people interested to watch the film. So the singers bounce of the film for promotion and vise verser.
In the music video they show one of the major scenes in the whole film which is if Letty will make it when she is flown across the air.
Showing a little bit of this intense scene promotes the film. Also at this point of the music video from 1:35 to 1:44 the lyrics that whiz kahlifa is saying in the song is actually linking with what he is happening in the scene that they show. Wiz kahlifa says ''And I'm not to be played with
Because it can get dangerous
See these people I ride with
This moment, we own it''
When he says this verse it is like it is exactly happening because the way Letty legitimately flies across the motorway it reflects the line when he says ''it can get dangerous''. Also when he says '' this moment we own it'' exactly at that time dom catches Letty and lands on the car, but it could mean a deeper meaning within the film.
In the music video there are several different camera angles and shots that are used.
When the music video is at 3:07 to 3:11 the camera makes a close up to the main characters which promotes the actors and actresses in the film. Also a tracking shot is used nearer the end of the video when thy all sit around the table, from the tracking shot it then smoothly goes into a aerial shot showing the buildings and the trees.
In the music video it is clear that there was a very high budget of money that could be spent on the music video which it has been. For example when the video is at 1:16 to 1:17 seen in the video is a statue with glowing eyes saying "there's no going back". To make all of these digital effects it would have taken time and money.
When the music video is at 3:07 to 3:11 the camera makes a close up to the main characters which promotes the actors and actresses in the film. Also a tracking shot is used nearer the end of the video when thy all sit around the table, from the tracking shot it then smoothly goes into a aerial shot showing the buildings and the trees.
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Aerial shot |
In conclusion the media product contains shots of the film which is promoting the film within the music video and the rappers are being promoted by the film. This mean that there is income coming in for the film and the singers. so basically everyone wins.
Increase income for the record company
5) Increase income- KATY PERRY DARK HORSE
This music video is a very good example of an increase income for the record company. Dark horse was released on December 17th 2013 and the label for this song was Capitol. Katy Perry's new album PRISM officially sold over one million albums last week, making it her third million-selling album! As of it's 11th week, the album sold 1,020,000, which is about half the time it took Katy's album Teenage Dream to hit that mark.This also meant that with the amount of albums sold there would be a very huge increase of income for the record company.
From the look of katy perry's music video they spent a huge amount of money creating the scene that is Egypt and all of the effects within the video. However when spending so much on a single they must be prepared to know how to advertise it, and to release and let the public know that there is a new video here.
" In a press release on August 20, 2013, Pepsi announced a partnership with Perry to promote her fourth studio album Prism: a social "tweet-to-unlock" voting program, encouraging fans to tweet the hashtag #KATYNOW in exchange for song titles and lyrics. The chosen tracks for the campaign were "Walking on Air" and "Dark Horse". After the samples were revealed, fans could vote for which one they wanted to have an early release on digital retailers.The winner was "Dark Horse", which was released on September 17, 2013 on the iTunes Store. Due to its commercial success, it was sent to contemporary hit and rhythmic radio stations on December 17, 2013 as Prism's third official single"
By Pepsi announcing a partnership with katy to promote her album this would have already gotten the public talking however they went a step further to make sure the fans have a say in what should be released.

In conclusion record company had a good amount of money to spend on this music video which they clearly did, and they made the right advertisements to let the public know what was coming. In the end the outcome for them was very good because the amount of albums sold would have made an increase in income for the record company and of course katy Perry.
Increasing the range of media an artist is active in
6) Increasing the range of media an artist is active in- Jaden smith in never say never
Another way Jaden smith is increasing his range in media is that in the actual music video him and Justin are watching clips of karate kid.
This promotes Jaden's movie and makes it known that Jaden is expanding in the things that he can do. He can act in a movie and also be in a song and bring his own thing to it. The song never say never was meant for the movie karate kid and so when Justin Bieber is singing they show parts of the film. The lyrics that Justin sings link so well to what is actually happening in the movie and so with him singing and us as an audience seeing clips of the film it actually is telling us an emotional story. When Justin and Jaden are watching it at one point they show emotion on their face as well.
At this point, they are watching the part where dre is being beaten up then Justin sings the main line "never say never" and this links to exactly what they are watching because as he was getting beaten up he had no hope and through out the film he had to learn to stand up for himself. Also when the video gets to 51 to 54 seconds Justin and Jaden are watching another bit of the film where dre is trying to impress the girl and both of them look at the same time and start nodding, looking like they are enjoying what they are watching. Because Justin Bieber had so many fans back then i think that if they saw him watching something and liking it then they would probably want to do the same thing, meaning that Jaden's film will get even more recognition over time.
Also in the music video Jaden also starts doing some dance moves which shows that he is not just an actor and a rapper but he can also dance as well; again expanding his range of media in just one music video. When Jaden starts rapping he is referring to the main bully in his film but then tells him that he "aint on a JB song with me" when he says this he clarifies that he is working with Justin.
At the end of the music video they show a shot of when dre does a karate move which i think seals the deal for the audience to go and watch the film.
In conclusion i think that this was a very good example to show how an artist can expand such a range of media in one music video. I think it all worked especially the lyrics which linked so well to the clips that were being shown.
My Bibliography :
Guerrasio, J. (2015) A very ironic video was the first one ever played on MTV 34 years ago. Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2016).
Depression, N. (2015) 10 strategies for releasing a single song. Available at: (Accessed: 29 September 2016).
Songfacts® (2016) Run the world (girls) by Beyoncé Songfacts. Available at: (Accessed: 1 October 2016)
Beyoncé (no date) Run the world (girls) - Beyoncé. Available at: (Accessed: 3 October 2016).
Michael Jackson bad album (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 5 October 2016).(Michael Jackson bad album, no date)Google (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2016).
lawsuit, C. infringement (2016) ‘Dark horse (Katy Perry song)’, in Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2016).
In-line Citation:
(lawsuit, 2016)
VANESSA OHANEKWU Songfacts® (2016) Run the world (girls) by Beyoncé Songfacts. Available at: (Accessed: 1 October 2016)
Beyoncé (no date) Run the world (girls) - Beyoncé. Available at: (Accessed: 3 October 2016).
Michael Jackson bad album (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 5 October 2016).(Michael Jackson bad album, no date)Google (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2016).
lawsuit, C. infringement (2016) ‘Dark horse (Katy Perry song)’, in Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2016).
In-line Citation:
(lawsuit, 2016)
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